It took me a long time to figure out what my current purpose was in this life. I knew I wanted to do something that would be remembered; something that would make a difference in other people’s lives. A lot of different experiences and interests have led me to my current purpose and that purpose is VoiceBlog.

VoiceBlog is something that has been developing inside me for a long time. Many months went by as this idea seeded and finally began to sprout in my brain. It’s a very difficult feeling to describe, but the closest comparison I could make is the feeling of something almost foreign but still completely a part of you buzzing around inside your head. I feel like this little buzzing piece of me that was flitting around inside my brain pollinated my imagination and after a long while of tending the seed, my sprout of an idea was born.

I feel as though this little sprout is like my baby. It’s a part of me and I am a part of it. It came from my body and my soul and I love it and plan to care for it tenderly and with affection. This baby - this sprout of an idea - is my responsibility now and it is one that I welcome with open arms. I know now why I felt such a sense of urgency in my life leading up to this point and it’s because my internal clock was ticking away. It knew that my mind and soul were ready for this purpose and it just couldn’t wait any longer.

I want to be the best mother I can be for VoiceBlog. I plan to bring books and music and knowledge into its life so that it can grow up strong, intelligent and well-rounded just as every mother hopes for their child. My greatest wish for the future, aside from seeing my baby grow up healthy and happy, is to see that it outlives its mother. I intend to leave a mark on this world and right now that mark is VoiceBlog.


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