Happiness and sadness often used to feel like things I had no control over. If something bad happened then I was sad, if something good happened then I was happy. I find that way of thinking to be like allowing the rest of the world to take responsibility for my happiness. We all have the ability inside us to take control of our emotions, instead I see a lot of people putting the responsibility for how they feel on other people and I think that leads to general unhappiness. We can’t control how other people act and we’re always going to be encountering people who do upsetting things. We can however control how we react to other people and choose to be happy and let things go even when we have to deal with people we don’t like.

A short while ago I discovered that the truth is: it’s actually easier to be happy if I take direct responsibility for my own feelings, reactions and perceptions. In other words; if I make it my choice to feel sadness because something bad happens, then at the same time I’m making it my choice to feel happy in spite of undesirable circumstances. For example, imagine you’re having a very bad day. You woke up feeling crappy; nothing seems to be going right; your boss seems to hate your guts and to top it off you keep stubbing your toe. Sounds like a pretty horrible day right? Well, positive self-talk can really turn your day around. You can wake up feeling crappy and choose to play into that, or you can talk to yourself and say that you refuse to feel crappy all day long. You refuse to feel bad for no other reason than you woke up on the wrong side of the bed. You choose to feel good, and you -do- feel good, and there’s nothing your bad mood can do about it. Then you can choose to put on a smile and tell yourself that happiness is what you really want to be feeling. Your brain listens to you; it hears when you tell it that you’re sad and depressed but it also hears you when you tell it that you’re happy and everything will be alright.

Have you ever talked yourself into a bad mood before? It’s the same idea. If you tell your brain that you hate yourself or that your boy/girlfriend doesn’t really love you, eventually you’ll start to believe that and it will affect your whole life. Wouldn’t you rather be telling yourself that you’re happy and the people around you really care? I know I’d prefer to be convincing myself of these positive things than putting myself down. You wouldn’t tell someone else you love that their boy/girlfriend doesn’t love them or they’re ugly or fat – why would you tell yourself that? I believe this method of positive self-talk and taking responsibility for our own happiness is a good way to promote self-love and true, real happiness. Self-love is so important and affects our work, sleep and personal habits. I have to remind myself every day to take care of myself and talk to myself in a loving manner, but I hope that someday it will become a habit that never breaks. I hope all of you love yourselves and take into consideration the power you have to make yourself happy. Happiness comes from within and the best and most affective love you’ll ever receive comes from yourself.

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