I apologize for the delay on my interview. I am hoping that soon it will be up and everyone can appreciate the wisdom and words of the wonderful individual I was able to talk to. Unfortunately things have been just as crazy for me this week as they were last week and I have been unable to focus on writing or on the blog.

Fortunately, I have finally settled into life at work and I am getting my groove back. I got a cold recently as well (don't you hate working when you're sick?) and it sure did knock me on my rear end. I am over it - thank the gods - and now I can get back to the things that matter, such as homework and writing. I am hoping to have the interview up within the next few days; don't worry, it's worth the wait. ;)
For a long time I really hated my body. I wished I could be someone else so that my waist would be smaller, my legs thinner and my chest bigger. I put myself down because I knew that I wasn't what society wanted me to be. All that changed though when I realized that beauty is something that cannot be defined simply based on what is on the outside, nor is it defined solely by society. Everyone has different things they find attractive and everyone has different definitions of what they believe beauty is. Just because people on television say that "thin is in" doesn't mean that it's true, it only means that is their opinion, and they are entitled to it. 

If you believe you're beautiful; if you believe your body is perfect and you love it, then you really are everything you need to be. Your opinion really is the only one that matters.

Do you need proof?

Confidence is the sexiest quality a person can have. If you believe you're beautiful and you are confident in your self; your appearance; your abilities; then you will shine from within with a light that blinds and everyone around you will be unable to avoid seeing your beauty and attractive qualities.

Don't put yourself down and imagine what it would be like to be someone else. Love yourself for who you are and be confident; soon everyone, and you, will see that you're gorgeous.